I recently returned from a COVID-secure holiday (as far as is possible) to Scotland. Preventative measures included: a private cabin on a sleeper train from London to Inverness, staying in a ‘pod’ on the Isle of Skye, eating lots of salmon (aids physical distancing), travelling by ferry (on deck) and walking and cycling (huge thanks to Andy Bike ) around North Uist (recently made famous by the Channel 4 documentary The Scottish Island that Won the Lottery ) which has a world-beating natural ventilation system (the wind) and where you are more likely to come into contact with a lamb or a loch than a human. International travel is unlikely to take off over the summer months. We all have a unique opportunity to explore Britain’s stunning coastline, countryside and cities in a safe and respectful way. This will provide a lifeline to the tourism and hospitality sectors and remind us of the adventures available closer to home. Enjoy it. Of course, it would be naïve to romanticise the Hi...