Housing affects us all: whether we are paying our own mortgage or someone else's. The condition and cost of our homes impacts upon almost every aspect of life, from children's education to care for older people. Harrow, along with every other London borough, is in the midst of a housing crises. Harrow Council's waiting list is 4,000 long, house prices are increasingly unaffordable and rents are rising - with limited enforcement of decent standards. The local Conservative Administration has committed to making Harrow a fairer place. This is welcome, but to make it possible housing must be at the heart of their 2014/15 budget. In a letter to the Harrow Observer, published on Thursday 12th December 2013, I outlined what housing change should look like in Harrow and called for political action. Dear Editor Councillor Susan Hall is right to say that Harrow Council should have a strong fairness agenda. But a budget that doesn't put h...