Valentine's Day is, if nothing else, an important reminder that we are ultimately judged by what we do, not what we say. This goes for politics as well as relationships. Flowers, teddy bears and cards are lovely and everything but - let's be honest - without all the thoughts, feelings and actions alongside them they are nothing more than tokenism. The leaflets, announcements and giveaways being churned out by politicians in the lead up to an election run a similar risk.
When it comes to housing there has been a lot of gestures from politicians in recent years, and a fair few promises of a new chapter. When we are told things will be different we're understandably skeptical; we've been here before. A diet of spiraling price rises and crumbs of new homes means that the first rung of the housing ladder is getting ever higher. More and more of us are renting but there is no cogent framework to improve standards and promote rights. Homelessness is rising, in large part due to welfare cuts.
It is within the powers of politics to lead change on all of the above. However paradoxically politicians all too often conspire with the market to make matters worse. Evidence that we want something done is growing by the day. According to a new poll by Ipsos Mori three quarters of the British public think there is a housing crisis. As we approach the general election politicians need to understand the deep anxiety people feel - the concern cuts across geography and generation.
The big fear is that we will put our faith in something better only to find our dreams dashed once more and long promised change undelivered. The threat of heartbreak looms over the electorate - we crave pledges and deeds we can believe in. So far, on housing in particular, both in words and in actions, there is a nagging sense of deja vu.
Housing isn't working, just like the relationship between people and politicians. Fixing the former offers an opportunity to heal the latter. However there is a tough home truth for politicians - the message from increasingly large numbers of voters is clear: "sorry darling it's you, not me." Second chances can't last forever.
When it comes to housing there has been a lot of gestures from politicians in recent years, and a fair few promises of a new chapter. When we are told things will be different we're understandably skeptical; we've been here before. A diet of spiraling price rises and crumbs of new homes means that the first rung of the housing ladder is getting ever higher. More and more of us are renting but there is no cogent framework to improve standards and promote rights. Homelessness is rising, in large part due to welfare cuts.
It is within the powers of politics to lead change on all of the above. However paradoxically politicians all too often conspire with the market to make matters worse. Evidence that we want something done is growing by the day. According to a new poll by Ipsos Mori three quarters of the British public think there is a housing crisis. As we approach the general election politicians need to understand the deep anxiety people feel - the concern cuts across geography and generation.
The big fear is that we will put our faith in something better only to find our dreams dashed once more and long promised change undelivered. The threat of heartbreak looms over the electorate - we crave pledges and deeds we can believe in. So far, on housing in particular, both in words and in actions, there is a nagging sense of deja vu.
Housing isn't working, just like the relationship between people and politicians. Fixing the former offers an opportunity to heal the latter. However there is a tough home truth for politicians - the message from increasingly large numbers of voters is clear: "sorry darling it's you, not me." Second chances can't last forever.